Florian Friedrich

Florian Friedrich

PhD Student/Researcher at Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien/Knowledge Media Research Institute

Tübingen, Germany

About Me

Welcome to my personal website!

This page is mainly designed to show you what I am up to. It is not intended to be a blog, but I might still show some personal projects that I am working on and might even give blogpost-like updates sometimes.

Most importantly, this is continously being updated and adjusted, so some things might be missing or not working;)

Please don’t hesitate to message me if you want to talk to me about anything you find on these pages!

Latest Publications

2024. Friedrich, F. The Doorway Effect For An Object Layout Memory Task: An Examination Using Immersive Virtual Reality. Master Thesis Cognitive Science.

2022. Schnepf, I., Friedrich, F., Hepting, C., Meyen, S., Franz, V. Neural mechanisms of response priming do not support veridical unconscious processing. Consciousness and Cognition.


2024 - current · PhD Student/Researcher

Research Group: Realistic Depictions

· Tübingen

TBD - currently in the process of narrowing down my research topic.

2017 - 2024 · Student Research Assistant (HiWi)

Research Group: Experimental Cognitive Science

· Tübingen

Main responsibilities included:

  • Conducting behavioural and EEG experiments
  • Writing manuscripts
  • Analysing behavioural and EEG data in R, EEGLab (MATLAB)
  • Supporting role in seminars (e.g., tutorials)


2020 - 2024 · MSc in Cognitive Science

Eberhard Karls Universität · Tübingen

Thesis: The Doorway Effect For An Object Layout Memory Task: An Examination Using Immersive Virtual Reality (Supervisors: Dr. Gregor Hardieß, Dr. Christian Scharinger)

2007 - 2015 · Abitur (German higher education entrance qualification)

Christian Weise Gymnasium · Zittau


Programming Languages

  • Statistical analysis of behavioural and EEG data in R
  • A fair amount of Matlab (EEG analysis with EEGLab and ERPLab, experimental programming with PsychToolbox)
  • Some experience in Python (EEG analysis with mne) and GDScript (experimental and game programming in Godot).


These are just some software pieces I use often or did a significant amount of work in. Very big differences in skill level here;)

  • Game Programming in Godot 4.0 and a little bit of Unity (using VR)
  • 3D modeling, animation and some video editing in Blender 4.1
  • Recording and streaming with OBS Studio
  • Creating this website using Hugo


  • Fluent: German, English (I can communicate in these)
  • Basic skills: French, Norwegian (I understand quite a bit)


  • I love games. I enjoy board games with other people and also alone, and I tend to get lost in video games, too (on PC, Switch). Below is a selection of the games I recently played.
  • Reading
  • Mainly fantasy, some non-fiction. There are also some comics and manga I enjoy.
  • Languages
  • Sometimes, I get interested in a random language and start learning. Currently, it is Norwegian.
  • Other Stuff
    • I’d love to do so much more, but 24 hours are just not enough for one day. So here’s a very, very condensed list of some additional things I sometimes do, did, or want to do very much: photography, learning and playing guitar, digital 3D modeling, miniature painting, hypnosis, game design and programming, streaming, …